Saturday 16 May 2020


  • Arches of the foot helps in fast walking, running , and jumping. In addition these help in weight bearing and in providing upright posture.
  • The arches pf foot, formed by the tarsal and metatarsal of bone, Strengthened by ligaments and tendons, allow the foot to support the weight in the body in the erect posture with the least weight. 
  • A Closer Look at the Arches of the Foot - MASS4D® Foot Orthotics
Classification of the arches : 
  • Longitudinal : Medial , Lateral .
  • Transverse :  Anterior, Posterior .
Formation Or Structure Of Arches : 

Medial Longitudinal Arch .
Arches of the Foot - Physiopedia
  • This arch is considerably higher , more mobile and resilient than the lateral. 
  • It is considered as a big arch of a small circle. 
  • Its constitution is as follow : 
  1. Ends : The anterior end is formed by the head of the first second , and third metatarsals. The phalanges do not take part in forming the arches. The posterior end of this arch is formed by the medial tubercle  of the calcaneum.
  2. Summit : The summit of the arch is formed by the talus.
  3. Pillars : the anterior pillar is long and weak. it is formed by the talus , the navicular, the three cuneiform bone , and the first three metatarsal bones. The posterior pillar is short and strong . It is formed by the medial part of the calcaneum . The main joint of the arch is the talocalcaneonavicular joint . 

Lateral Longitudinal Arch :  
Bones of Foot Labeled | Voeten, Voetverzorging, Pedicure
  • This arch is characteristically low, has limited mobility, and is buit to transmit weight and thrust to ground . It is built to transmit weight and thrust to the ground. it is considered as a small arch of  a big circle . This is in contrast o the medial longitudinal arch which acts as a shock absorber. the constitution of the lateral longitudinal arch is as follows.
  1. Ends : The anterior end of the arch is formed by the head of the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones. The posterior end is formed by the lateral tubercle of the calcaneum .
  2. Summit : The summit is lie at the level of the articular facets on the superior surface of the calcaneum at the level of the subtalar joint . 
  3. Pillars : The anterior pillar is long and weak . it is formed by the cuboid bone and by the 4th and 5th metatarsals. The posterior pillar is short and strong . it is formed by the lateral half of the calcaneum. 
Main joint : The  main joint of the arch is the calcaneocuboid joint. 
  1. Anterior Transverse Arch : The anterior transverse  arch is formed by the head of the five metatarsal bones. It is complete because the head of the first and fifth metatarsals both come in contact with the ground , and form the two end of the arch. 
  2. Posterior Transverse Arch : The posterior transverse arch is formed by the greater part of the tarsus and metatarsus . It is incomplete because  only lateral end  come in contact with the ground, the "half dome" which is completed by a similar half dome of the opposite foot.
Clinical Anatomy
  • Absence or collapse of the arches leads to flat foot , which may congenital or acquired. the effect of a flat foot are as follows,
  1.   Loss of spring in the foot leads to a clumsy, shuffling gait.
  2. loss of shock absorbing function make the foot more liable to trauma and osteoarthritis. 
  • A person with a low longitudinal arch, or flat feet will likely stand and walk with their feet in a pronated position, where the foot everts or rolls inward. This makes the person susceptible to heel pain, arch pain and plantar fasciitis. 
  •  high or low arches can increase the risk of shin splints as the anterior tibialis must work harder to keep the foot from slapping the ground.
  • Other deformities of the foot are as follows,
  • Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (Clubfoot) | Pediatric physical ...
  1. Talipes equinus in which the patient walk on the toes, with the heel raised .
  2. Talipes calcaneus in which the patient walk on the heel, with the fore foot raised. 
  3. Talipes varus in which the patient walk on the outer border of the foot which is inverted and adducted.
  4. Talipes valgus in which the patient walks on inner border of foot which is inverted and  abducted.   


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